The Environment

State of the Union Address

State of the Union
Barack Obama made a lot of promises at his State of the Union. His initial start I thought was interesting because he went through America’s history and how it has progressed and digressed economically through the decades. The topic of our economy’s state I thought was accurate, and the plans he has to improve it I think are realistic. He stated that 1 in 10 Americans still cannot find work, but he is still hopeful for America’s future in terms of jobs. What the government has done to help struggling families thus far is make health insurance 65% cheaper, and the people of America have not seen a raise in income taxes. All of which, I believe are very helpful. They government has also created jobs for 2 million Americans, who otherwise would not be working right now. He proposed a New Job’s Bill yesterday night, in order to address the issue of jobs in 2010. This should help the foundation for long term growth. Another way to help with jobs and the economy is by creating clean energy jobs. I personally agree with this because our earth is our home, so obviously we should be taking care of it. These jobs will help promote environmental awareness as well help the cause.
Another promise that Barack Obama hopefully will fulfill is one that involves college. I would really like to go to college, but there is the issue of how expensive the enrollment is. In the north shore, the issue of money problems is not always prevalent, but for the rest of the country this promise will affect the process of college enrollment indefinitely. To make college more affordable the government might give families $10,000 tax credit, as well as call off all college debt if it takes more than 20 years to pay, and it will cancel the debt in 10 years if you go into public services. As he said, “No one should go broke because they chose to go to college.” This statement has a lot of truths to it and I hope that it can happen before I go to college. I definitely like the way that Barack Obama has run the country thus far.

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