The Environment

Schaeffer, Eric. "Market-Based Air Pollution Laws Will Increase Air Pollution." Opposing Viewpoints: Pollution. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. San Diego: Green

Pollution is not improving:

Pollution is getting worse as we progress; it its a problem we all face, and it is a problem we are having a hard time conquering. Man-made goods are increasing in popularity and because of this, more chemicals are emitted in the air because of their production. "A study of six cities has found that air pollution, even in areas that meet Federal air quality standard, can shorten people's lives..."' The article states, and supports the fact that pollution is an endangerment to one's health. Much like the other article, this one uses health as a central thing that pollution affects. One of the articles talked of Bush's Clear Skies Act, and how as good of intentions that it did have, has only made pollution worse as it invades some of the good that the Clean Air Act bill did. It weakens many areas that were improved, for instance, the prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) program. By doing so, it actually creates more environmental havoc by increasing the amount of emissions which once again degrades air quality further-and endangers the public's health. The EPA estimates that particles from pollution plants cause 20,000 premature deaths yearly. The public should be much more concerned than they are about their own health. Alternative power sources must be found as well because the amount of pollution being brought about is unacceptable. According to this article, what the Bush administration has done is undermine any type of progress that was available-and released more pollution than ever. Loopholes is how companies manage to get around the "laws" of air pollution, if you could call them that anymore. The public needs to take their own initiative and fix this problem. In addition, the article drives home the point of time. Our environment does not have that much time anymore. Each second that pollution is being put out, is another 2 seconds taken off our lives. Each second passing is more irreparable damage being put into the earth. While this article is very one sided, it does put out this one point-that no matter whether pollution is increasing or decreasing, it is still being put out into the environment and that needs to stop. We need to cut back our pollution and altogether try to repair what we have done to the earth.

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